Monika Wiśniewska
MSc in Psychology
Member of the British Psychological Society
I knew that I wanted to be a psychologist as a teenager, but I had to wait over twenty years to start studies and then practice. Only as an adult woman did I feel fully ready to accept clients. I knew that life experience was just as important as work experience.
In 2020, I completed psychology studies at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. During my studies, I learned more about the principles of positive psychology, which assumes that a person is not only the sum of his experiences, but above all, he is someone with potential. This is what guides me in my work, remembering that every person has enormous amounts of possibilities and potentials, and that sometimes you just need help to see it.
Last year, I started psychotherapeutic training in an integrative and systemic approach, which allows me to understand the patient and the reported problems even deeper. I am constantly developing my skills and knowledge,
From my experience of working with emigrants, but also from my personal experience, I know that it is very easy to forget about our possibilities. No two people are the same, and life can place obstacles in our path that throw us off course. These situations can, if left unchecked, can often lead to more serious disorders, such as anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, and episodes of depression. If you are struggling with any of these problems, it is worth considering working through your thoughts with someone who will help you understand where they come from and how to tame them.
Today I live in Great Britain, I am a member of the Polish Psychiatric Association, the Polish Psychologists' Association and the British Psychological Society. In May 2023, I opened my private psychology office in Berkshire, where I see children and adults.