
Psychological consultations

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First consultation*

25£ 50£ / 50 minutes

Ongoing consultations

£50 / 50 minutes

*When using a discount code

Psychological Services

Individual consultations

Psychological consultations aim to locate and diagnose areas in which functioning does not bring satisfaction or which make everyday life difficult. 

During the meetings, we will look at the areas that: 

  • are a source of difficulty or anxiety
  • are crucial to understanding all important life events
  • they make the situation worse or prevent you from feeling better

Therapy for children and adolescents

Children and teenagers are increasingly experiencing many psychological difficulties. They have difficulty with emotional regulation, feel overwhelmed by the world around them, and need help to start coping better with tension and emotions. Often, in response to stress, they withdraw from relationships and activities, spending more and more time in their rooms and in the virtual world. Working with a psychologist can help your child learn to better express themselves and their needs. 

Consultations for children

Consultations for parents of school-age children and teenagers. Diagnosis of school difficulties, development of a support and action plan for parents.

First of all, we will look at:

  • When did the difficulties begin?
  • What early experiences and developmental needs may have contributed to difficulties?
  • What maintains these difficulties?
  • What strengths and resources do the child and family bring to the joint relationship?

More information

Specialist Areas

Anxiety disorders

Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state associated with anticipating upcoming danger. Dangers external or internal to the body, e.g. disease. This condition manifests itself as anxiety, a feeling of tension, embarrassment and threat. It often manifests itself through panic attacks. Unlike fear, anxiety is an internal process, unrelated to immediate threat or pain.


According to WHO, approximately 350 million people suffer from depression. It is the second most frequently diagnosed lifestyle disease. The most common symptoms of depression: - Low mood (low self-esteem and low self-confidence, pessimistic, bleak vision of the future, feeling of guilt and low self-worth) - Loss of interests and the ability to feel pleasure - Reduced energy leading to increased fatigue and decreased activity

Consultations for children

Being a parent is a tireless job. There is no parental leave, no days off. At times it can be overwhelming, frustrating and cause tension within the family. In my work, I use the principles of the PACE method, used as a therapeutic method in many centers working with children in the UK. PACE - playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy. It is a method based on non-violent communication, using resources of family and parents such as love, mutual respect, understanding and fun.

Adaptation difficulties in emigration

Emigration is one of the most stressful experiences a person can experience. This is a challenge that involves a lot of energy and resources. Separation from family, familiar places or institutions may cause prolonged anxiety and a sense of threat caused by inappropriate behavior, cultural misunderstandings, and critical incidents. Excessive occurrence of these emotions can lead to "escape" behaviors, such as reaching for alcohol or drugs. During our meetings, we will look at areas that cause anxiety and promote avoidant or maladaptive behavior, so as to improve the quality of life of every person struggling to find their place in a new country.


Psychological support in the recovery process is an important part of alcohol therapy. Specialists dealing with addiction treatment agree that relapses are the basic problem of therapy. Psychological support during addiction therapy will help you: - learn how to deal with difficult or crisis situations - reduce emotional tension, reduce depression and anxiety - understand how your motivation works and how to maintain it - work on assertiveness - learn the reasons for reaching for alcohol and/or reasons for relapse - recognize signals and overcome difficulties - develop new models of coping with stress and relieving tension

Frequently Asked Questions

Psychological therapy –
it is a conscious meeting of two people: the client - a person who comes to therapy for a specific purpose, and the psychologist/psychotherapist - who knows what path to take to achieve this goal.
The specialist uses conscious and intentional clinical methods to achieve the desired results.

Meeting with a psychologist is not the same as talking to someone close to us.

The consultation usually lasts about 50 minutes. It may happen that the consultation time may be slightly longer, but it should never be longer than 60 minutes. 

Currently, this is not possible, but we are working to make such a service available to you in the near future. 

This is an individual matter and tailored to the capabilities of the person who contacts me. The reason for reporting, i.e. the problem, is also important. Addiction therapy is different, where systematicity, especially at the beginning, is extremely important. Meetings should usually take place once a week at the same time, but it is permissible, especially at the beginning of therapy, to meet every two weeks. 

Information provided during the session is treated as confidential. 

The exception to breaking the principle of confidentiality is a life or health-threatening situation, which the psychologist learns about from the client.

Standard consultation price – £40*

*First psychological consultation using a discount code – £20

This is an individual matter. If you feel comfortable talking to a therapist, this is the first good sign. It is important to feel that therapy makes sense, that it is useful for something, and that the topics discussed in therapy serve a purpose. 

Remember, however, that feelings such as embarrassment or fear of opening up about certain topics are a natural process and part of therapy, and do not necessarily mean that the therapist is unsuitable. However, these difficulties will require working through over time.

There is a very big difference in work. 

First of all, not every psychologist is a psychotherapist, and not every psychotherapist is a psychologist. 

The psychologist most often assesses what is currently happening in the client's life, what difficulties he or she experiences and what methods he uses to deal with them. The psychologist may conduct a number of psychological tests to better understand what specific problems the client comes with. This work is usually short-term (a few or a dozen meetings), during which the areas that need to be worked on are diagnosed. 

A psychotherapist is a person who has completed four years of accredited psychotherapeutic training at one of the psychotherapist training centers. There are many psychotherapeutic trends and, to a large extent, the type of psychotherapy someone has trained in will determine the type of further work. Working with a psychotherapist can last from several months to several years and it depends largely on the individual needs of the person applying.

Consultations take place in two ways: online and in my private practice in Finchampstead, Berkshire.

For online consultations, the location does not matter. What is important is good access to the internet and a confidential and safe place from which to talk. 

In both cases, the consultation time is 50 minutes.

To schedule an online consultation, simply complete the booking form.

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